I love the way the camera sees the world, it can be so unique, so different than what is actually there when I take the photograph. My goal is to take photographs that show the world the way I see it, using the unique photographic abilities that I have, the technical abilities of my camera, and my digital darkroom skills to output the best photograph "equivalent" that I can; a photograph that is wholly representative of my vision in photography and art. I am not a documentarian or a photo journalist, I edit, delete, and change as needed. My goal is photographic art and there is no "right" or "wrong" involved in that.
Yellowstone National Park is one of my favorite places to photograph wildlife, the variety of wild animals that can be found to photograph never fails to impress me. This year that included an hours-old Pronghorn baby. It was only out for a few minutes, just long enough for mom to clean it a bit and provide it with some milk, and then she shooed it back into the brush for safety. They were very far away so I got whatever shot I could although it was not the best. Predators, bear, coyote, wolves, are always on the lookout for these tiny little babies and the moms have no defense against them so they try to hide the baby to the best of their ability. Nature is brutal at times.
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All of the photographs on this site are available for purchase in print or digital format, see the "Purchase Information" page to learn more about purchasing a print.
Jack Cassinetto landscape paintings —
Connie Cassinetto Wild Animals:
All of the photographs on this site are available for purchase in print or digital format, see the "Purchase Information" page to learn more about purchasing a print.
Jack Cassinetto landscape paintings —
Connie Cassinetto Wild Animals: